
Would You Like Pee With That?

by on Mar.05, 2009, under Uncategorized

Okay, the Dutch are fuckin’ weird. I mean at first I was running into things that sounded funny and don’t work well when translated into English. For example, a large chain of banks here is called Rabobank. Yes, I feel safe storing my money at Rabobank. This is one business that’s not going to catch on in English speaking countries without some serious rebranding. I believe it’s owned by the same people who run Hoolduppa Liquorstoor. (note, have yet to actually see any Hoolduppa Liquor Stores but I bet they’re around somewhere) Maybe they’re just in it for the insurance money?

But that’s just words that translate funny. I’m sure there are lots of Englilsh words and brands that sound hilarious in Dutch. Then I came across a chain of stores that sells French fries, or “frites” as they’re known on the continent. And this is their logo / mascot:

That’s right, the logo for a company that sells food is a peeing cherub. I believe it’s actually a famous statue or something. But it gets better. I don’t speak Dutch, but some things are pretty clear without translation.

Yes, it is a fast food chain called “Mannekin Pis.” Here is one of their vans:

The logo on the van is even better, as it appears the cherub is actually peeing directly on the fries…

Needless to say, I did not buy fries from this place. Although I’m sure they don’t actually use urine as one of the ingredients. Then again, who knows? Like I said, the Dutch are fuckin’ weird.

4 comments for this entry:

  • C R Morrison

    It looks like the actual statue is in Brussels, Belgium. Is this a commentary on Belgium, which is sometimes dissed by citizens of surrounding countries?

    Or maybe in The Netherlands fries are considered Belgian, not French, and the Manniken Pis simply represents Belgium to the Dutch. Definitely a disconnect of sensibilities there…

    Here is a page of antique postcards featuring the Manniken Pis: http://www.kodakgirl.com/epostcardsmanpis.htm

    Anyway, re the Dutch: What You Said…. (Remember that comic book in Flemish that Juppe sent me?)

  • dag

    Yeah, I remember that comic. “Ve zinken! Ve zinken!” 🙂 As I understand it Flemish is a slightly different language than Dutch although they’re closely related. Both sound like babble littered with cognates to me.

  • Tellman Knudson

    But… I love piss on my fries!

    Piss and Vinegar right?

    wait… that isn’t literal.


    well, they say that drinking your own urine is good for you…

    Mind if i send an email to the list about this post jim?

  • dag

    Fine with me, man!

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