
Fiesta in El Astillero!

by on Mar.20, 2009, under Uncategorized

I’m staying in a suburb (or whatever they call them in Spain) of Santander called El Astillero, a tiny townlet full of very nice people, only two of whom speak any English. Fortunately one of those is the hotel manager, and she was kind enough to warn me about this townwide celebration that happened last night, and the night before. It was a lot of fun, although not a patch on some of the festivals I’ve been to. But good times for a small Spanish town. Actually I was most surprised how much it was like a small town festival in the US. I was expecting a lot more local culture, but as you can see except for the music being played, it’s just basically a modern festival.

(hmm, I thought I recorded more of this second shot than 5 seconds. Oh well 🙂

Anyway, it was a lot of fun.

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